Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Statistical literacy in preschool education'

Martins, F. ; Coelho, A. ; Vale, V. ; Duque, I. ; Pinho, L.

Statistical literacy in preschool education', Proc International Conf. Turning data into knowledge: New opportunities for statistics education, Lisboa, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 143 - 143, June, 2015.

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In recent years, there has been in Portugal an increase in research about statistical literacy approach in educational context and about the teacher statistical knowledge necessary to promote effective statistical learning (Henriques & Oliveira, 2013). However, there is still some lack of research about the literacy development in preschool years. In this context we consider that the teachers’ statistical knowledge is one core dimension that allows achieving the goal of literacy development. Such knowledge is conceived here as Statistical Knowledge for Teaching (Burgess, 2009).
Based on the conceptualization of Burgess (2009) about the teachers' knowledge to teach statistics, the present research aims to contribute to a better approach to statistical literacy with children from 3 to 5 years, combining the transdisciplinary approach (project approach) with teachers’ statistical knowledge to promote children’s effective and significant learning (Katz & Chard, 1997; Burgess, 2009).
The present research is part of a larger study, which combines interpretative qualitative methodology with study case design. Initially 11 children aged between 3 and 5 years participated in the research and was developed in a kindergarten. The information was collected during children’s experiences involving investigative cycle (problem, plan, data, analysis and inference) (Burgess, 2009). Some preliminary results show that the project approach implementation related with the statistical teachers’ knowledge is beneficial to promote statistical literacy and statistical reasoning in children. Are teachers conscious that their own knowledge and active learning environments are keys to the development of statistical literacy of children?