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Gait rehabilitation assessment based on microwave Doppler radars embedded in walkers

Postolache, O. ; Dias Pereira, J. M. ; Viegas, V. ; Girão, P.M.

Gait rehabilitation assessment based on microwave Doppler radars embedded in walkers, Proc IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and, Torino, Italy, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, May, 2015.

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The gait rehabilitation is performed using for the user assistance during the training sessions of specific devices including crutches, canes, and walkers. The objective evaluation of physiotherapy effectiveness requires measurements that are done by sensors embedded in regular devices as wheeled walkers. Thus informations about the forces applied during the gait, the legs motion signals are considered inputs for processing algorithms that may provide the gait rehabilitation outcomes. The article presents a smart wheeled walker with microwave embedded radars and force sensors connected to an embedded processing platform that provide informations about the regular or un-regular gait during the testing session as so as the rehabilitation rate considering the captured gait patterns through the motion sensor. An implemented wireless sensor network may be used for simultaneously assessment of different walker users.