New acelerated simulation method to obtain the performance of concatenated codes
Cercas, Cercas, F.
Sebastião, P.
; Bertran, E.
New acelerated simulation method to obtain the performance of concatenated codes, Proc Wireless Communications, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace , Aalborg , Denmark, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, May, 2014.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/VITAE.2014.6934499
This paper presents an extension of the ASM (Accelerated Simulation Method) to be able to evaluate the performance of concatenated coding schemes, so as to get similar results to the MCSM (Monte Carlo Simulation Method) more efficiently, i.e. using less time and computational resources. The efficiency of the ASM is particularly useful to estimate the performance of complex or unknown coding schemes, so this optimised method is applied to estimate the performance of various TCH (Tomlinson, Cercas, Hughes) codes concatenated with RS (Reed-Solomon) codes, namely, TCH(16,6,2) with RS(63,45,9) and TCH(32,8,6) with RS(255,223,16). Both SD (Soft-Decision) and HD (Hard-Decision) decoding are considered and the overall performance takes into account modulation and channel conditions.