Digital Equalization of Chromatic Dispersion in an FPGA
Amado, S. B.
Guiomar, F. P.
Pinto, A. N.
Digital Equalization of Chromatic Dispersion in an FPGA, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Castelo Branco, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, May, 2013.
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Using Xilinx’s System Generator, we demonstrate an hardware implementation of chromatic dispersion (CD) equalization in polarization-multiplexed quaternary phase-shift keying (PM-QPSK) transmission systems. Static CD equalization is implemented both in time- and frequency-domain, using finite impulse-response (FIR) filters and the inverse linear transfer function of the fiber. For a non-zero dispersion-shifted fiber (NZDSF) link with 1600 km, we have determined that CD can be compensated with negligible penalty using only 40 FIR taps and 5 bits for signal quantization. Hardware implementation is performed in co-simulation between MATLAB and the Xilinx’s ML605 Evaluation Kit, powered by a Virtex-6 field programmable gate array (FPGA).