Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

abc-Net: Literacy Tool for Paulo Freire´s Method

Pereira, O. ; Pinto, J. ; Flores, A. F.

abc-Net: Literacy Tool for Paulo Freire´s Method, Proc IADIS International e-Society Conf., Avila, Spain, Vol. I, pp. 917 - 920, July, 2004.

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Paulo Reglus Neves Freire was born in Recife in 1921, the capital of Brazil’s northeast province. Through all his life, he
developed the fundamentals of a teaching process with special characteristics. The fundamentals of his ‘system’ point to
an educational process that focuses on the student environment. abcNet is a web-based application which seeks the goals
of learning how to read and to write, following Paulo Freire’s methodology.