A graphical user interface for policy composition in CIM-SPL
Gonçalves, P.
; Fugueira, C.F.
; Pereira, R.
Aguiar, R.
; Oliveira, J. L.
A graphical user interface for policy composition in CIM-SPL, Proc IEEE International Workshop on Management of Emerging Networks and Services - MENS 2009, St.-Petersburg, Russia, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 7, November, 2009.
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CIM-SPL is a declarative policy specification language proposed inside DMTF. SPL policies allow the specification of rules to govern the behavior of a system using a PBM approach. However, SPL requires thorough knowledge of the language syntax as well as full understanding of the management scenario and its available management features. This paper describes a graphical CIM-SPL editor application and the supporting policy edition metaphor. A graphical composition process of SPL policies is proposed, based on the use of drag and drop operations of the policy component items in a graphical interface. The editor includes policy creation wizards that guide the user in the policy specification process, in order to alleviate network administrators from the difficulties associated with the intricacies of SPL language. Additionally, a text-based SPL edition tool is provided as a complement for experienced SPL language operators.