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Towards a Correction Metric to the Putting Lip-out (M. S. Couceiro, G. Dias, F. M. L. Martins e J. A. Luz,)

Martins, F.

Towards a Correction Metric to the Putting Lip-out (M. S. Couceiro, G. Dias, F. M. L. Martins e J. A. Luz,), Proc ISEC - Symp. on Fractional Signals and Systems, Coimbra, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 138 - 146, November, 2011.

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This paper proposes a correction metric to putting lip-out based on frac-tional calculus (FC). On the opposite of integer derivatives which are considered as “local” operators, fractional derivatives implicitly have “memory” of all past events. Therefore, this novel correction metric will provide a new virtual position of the ball based on its trajectory induced by the putting lip-out. This metric was eva-luated analyzing the performance of an expert subject. This subject performed a total of 30 trials and the lip-out occurred in 6 of them.