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Multi-usage of Microwave Doppler Radar in Pervasive Healthcare Systems for Elderly

Postolache, O. ; Girão, P.M. ; Pinheiro, E.C. ; Dias Pereira, J. M. ; Madeira, R. ; Postolache, G. ; Joaquim, J M

Multi-usage of Microwave Doppler Radar in Pervasive Healthcare Systems for Elderly , Proc IEEE International Instrumentation and Technology Conf. - I2MTC, Hangzhou, China, Vol. I, pp. 10 - 15, May, 2011.

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Health assessment requirements for aging population have accentuated the need of ubiquitous and pervasive e-Health environments. Recently, new implemented embedded vital signs sensors were joined to ubiquitous computation in order to materialize Ubi-Health systems with lower price and augmented interoperability in comparison with traditional clinical instrumentation for in house health status monitoring needs. The work reports the utilization of the smart sensor based on 24GHz microwave FMCW (frequency modulated continuous wave) Doppler embedded in smart objects such as wheelchairs, walkers or crutches used by elderly, that perform cardiorespiratory signs and physical activity monitoring. According to the requirements of sensor identification and wireless data communication between the smart sensor and the advanced signal processing, data logging and web publishing unit, a combination between Bluetooth MAC based identification and Virtual Transducer Electronic Data Sheet was implemented. The system allows vital signs and motor activity monitoring, including gait characterization.