Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Monitoring of Cardiovascular Diseases: An Analysis of the Mobile Applications Available in the Google Play Store

Denysyuk, H. ; Amado, J. ; Gonçalves, N. ; Zdravevski, E. ; Garcia, N. M. ; Pires, I.M.P.

Electronics (Switzerland) Vol. 11, Nº 12, pp. 1881 - 1881, June, 2022.

ISSN (print): 2079-9292
ISSN (online):

Scimago Journal Ranking: 0,63 (in 2022)

Digital Object Identifier: 10.3390/electronics11121881

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Cardiovascular diseases have always been here, but there has been an increase in their
numbers over time. Even though there are in the digital world a few applications to help with
this kind of problem, there are not enough to fulfill the needs of the patients. This study reviews
mobile applications that allow patients to monitor and report cardiovascular diseases. It presents a
review of 14 mobile applications that were free to download in Portugal and classified and compared
according to their characteristics. The selection criteria combined the following keywords: “patient”,
“cardiac/or heart”, “report”, and (“tracking” or “monitoring”). Based on the analysis, we point out
the errors of the applications and present some solutions. To finish, we investigated how mobile
applications can help patients track and self-report cardiovascular diseases.