Generating a Binary Symmetric Channel for Wiretap Codes
Harrison, W. K. Harrison
; Simões, T. G.
Gomes, M.
; Vilela, J.P.
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security Vol. 14, Nº 8, pp. 2128 - 2138, August, 2019.
ISSN (print): 1556-6013
ISSN (online): 1556-6021
Scimago Journal Ranking: 1,90 (in 2019)
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TIFS.2019.2892010
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In this paper, we fill a void between information theoretic security and practical coding over the Gaussian wiretap channel using a three-stage encoder/decoder technique. Security is measured using Kullback-Leibler divergence and resolvability techniques along with a limited number of practical assumptions regarding the eavesdropper's decoder. The results specify a general coding recipe for obtaining both secure and reliable communications over the Gaussian wiretap channel, and one specific set of concatenated codes is presented as a test case for the sake of providing simulation-based evaluation of security and reliability over the network. It is shown that there exists a threshold in signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio over a Gaussian channel, such that receivers experiencing SNR below the threshold have no practical hope of receiving information about the message when the three-stage coding technique is applied. Results further indicate that the two innermost encoding stages successfully approximate a binary symmetric channel, allowing the outermost encoding stage (e.g., a wiretap code) to focus solely on secrecy coding over this approximated channel.