Open Controller for Distributed Instrumentation Systems
Viegas, V.
Girão, P.M.
Dias Pereira, J. M.
Open Controller for Distributed Instrumentation Systems, Proc International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems, Rende, Cosenza, Italy, Vol. to be defined, pp. to be defined - to be defined, September, 2009.
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The paper presents a controller designed to be highly interoperable in the context of distributed instrumentation systems. Interoperability is achieved by adopting strong standards – the IEEE 1451.1 Std to be more precise – and by using cross-platform, manufacturer-independent technologies such as Web Services. The 1451.1 Std contributes with its information model to represent data and organize functionalities through a well-defined hierarchy of objects. Web Services are used to implement both communication models, the client/server model for one-to-one communications, and the publish/subscribe model for one-to-many communications. Being supported by all the major software companies around the world, Web Services have the chance to become the first wide-used middleware solution and the answer for many interoperability problems. The controller was developed using the .NET Framework and tested in the Windows XP operating system.