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Out-Of-Vocabulary and Confidence Measures for Speech Recognition Using Phone Models

Veiga, A. ; Neves, C. ; Perdigão, F. ; Sá, L. V.

Out-Of-Vocabulary and Confidence Measures for Speech Recognition Using Phone Models, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 457 - 460, May, 2009.

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This paper describes a fast and efficient method to detect out-of-vocabulary words and compute confidence measures in a command-based speech recognition system. The method uses a phone-loop model to reject out-of-vocabulary words and a filler model to compute a confidence measure for each accepted word present in the recognizer output. Tests with this method show that it achieves a good trade-off between false-acceptance versus false-rejection rate. The system runs in real time in a platform with low computational resources and operates in noisy environment conditions (industrial environments and inside vehicles).