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A Platform for Autonomous Swarms of UAVs

Silva, M. S. ; Mourato, A. ; Sargento, S. ; Reis, A.B.

A Platform for Autonomous Swarms of UAVs, Proc IEEE International Symposium on Computer and Communications - ISCC, Rhodes, Greece, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, July, 2022.

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ISCC55528.2022.9912997

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The usage of aerial drones has become more popular
as they also become more accessible, both in economic and
usability terms. Nowadays, these vehicles can present reduced
dimensions and a good cost-benefit ratio, which makes it possible
for several services and applications supported by aerial drone
networks to emerge. Taking into account the enormous diversity
of use cases, many of the existing solutions for autonomous
control focus on specific scenarios. Generic mission planning
platforms also exist, but most of them only allow missions
consisting of linear waypoints to be traversed. These situations
translate into a mission support that is not very flexible.
This paper proposes a modular infrastructure that can be
used in various scenarios, enabling the autonomous control and
monitoring of a fleet of aerial drones in a mission context. The
platform allows the communication with the flight controller so
that it can collect telemetry data and send movement instructions
to the drone, and to monitor this data and send the commands
remotely, also enabling robust mission planning with multiple
drones, and enabling the interaction with internal and external
sensors. The real tests performed through the platform show that
the planned missions are executed exactly as they are planned
in the platform.