Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

An innovative decision support system adapted to the Portuguese context in forest fire suppression

Lourenço, M. ; Oliveira, L. ; Oliveira, J. P. ; Mora, A. ; Oliveira, H. ; Santos, R. S.

An innovative decision support system adapted to the Portuguese context in forest fire suppression, Proc AGILE -Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe, Conference Online, Vol. , pp. - , June, 2021.

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The number, extent and impact of wildfires, as well as fire management resources, are expected to increase as a consequence of future climate changes. Hence, forest and fire management decisions must be supported by scientific knowledge, contributing to improved strategic resources allocation, with the aim of protecting lives, assets and the environment. In this paper we present a Decision Support System (DSS) constituted by: an ArcGIS Online Feature Service, a mobile client application, and a portable multi-sensor device. This solution is adapted for the Portuguese context and some examples are presented, however, the solutions presented here is reconfigurable and it can be easily extended and/or adapted to other realities.