Improved Patch-based View Rendering for Focused Plenoptic Cameras with Extended Depth-of-Field
Filipe, J.
Assunção, P.A.
Távora, L.M.
Pinto, R.
Thomaz, L. A.
Faria, S.M.M.
Improved Patch-based View Rendering for Focused Plenoptic Cameras with Extended Depth-of-Field, Proc European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO, Conference Online, Vol. , pp. - , January, 2021.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.23919/Eusipco47968.2020.9287562
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This paper proposes a patch-based framework to improve view rendering from light fields captured by focused plenoptic cameras with extended depth-of-field. A three-step approach is performed to minimise discontinuities across neighbouring patches and to maximise the information captured from different types of micro-lens. Firstly, the useful patch size of each micro-image is determined to limit the contribution of low light intensity regions into the rendered images. Secondly, anisotropic inpainting is applied to smooth the discontinuities between neighbouring patches. Thirdly, a multi-focus image fusion algorithm is used to efficiently combine the information captured by the different types of micro-lens comprising plenoptic cameras with extended depth-of-field. Significant improvements are obtained in the rendered views, by reducing visible discontinuities between adjacent micro-images, while at the same time increasing the average sharpness of image content by 20%, measured by the Energy of Laplacian (i.e., a focus metric), in comparison to the conventional rendering approach, which always selects the best focused lens type.