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State-space Estimation of Ionospheric Scintillation Processes with a Static GNSS Receiver

Sousa, F. ; Nunes, F.

State-space Estimation of Ionospheric Scintillation Processes with a Static GNSS Receiver, Proc ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies (NAVITEC), Noordwijk, Netherlands, Vol. , pp. - , December, 2018.

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The determination of the ionospheric scintillation
processes that affect the reception of Global Navigation Satellite
System (GNSS) signals is an important issue as it permits to
monitor the ionosphere for practical and scientific applications
and optimize the receiver performance in scintillation-prone scenarios
using, for instance, a differential GNSS configuration. We
propose an hybrid architecture for the receiver being constituted
by a vector tracking block that estimates the receiver’s clock drift
coupled with an ensemble of extended Kalman filters driven by
the prompt correlators that estimate the amplitude and phase
of the fading processes. Those processes include as an important
case the ionospheric scintillation.