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Finding a Signature in Dermoscopy: a Color Normalization Proposal

Pinto, R.

Finding a Signature in Dermoscopy: a Color Normalization Proposal, Proc MIPRO/IEEE Jubille International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Eletronics and Microeletronics, Opatija, Croatia, Vol. I, pp. 295 - 297, May, 2017.

Digital Object Identifier: 10.23919/MIPRO.2017.7973433

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Digital image methodologies related with Melanoma has become in the past years a major support for differential diagnosis in skin cancer. Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems, encompassing image acquisition, artifact removal, detection and selection of features, highlight Machine Learning algorithms as a novel strategy towards a digital assisted diagnosis in Dermatology.
Although the central role played by color in dermoscopic image assessment, Machine Learning algorithms mainly use texture and shape features, derived from gray level images, obtained from the true color images of the skin. Since the acquisition conditions are key for the color characterization and thus, central for the quantification of different colors in a dermoscopic image, this work presents a strategy for color normalization, joint with its use in the calculation of the number of colors of a dermoscopic image.
This methodology will contribute to the uniformity in the use of color features extracted from different datasets in CAD systems (acquired by distinct dermoscopes) possibly presenting distinct illumination characteristics. This normalization proposal can also be applied as an image preprocessing step, aimed to achieve higher scores in the standard metrics in ML algorithms.