Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: Wireless Hybrid Enhanced Mobile Radio Estimators

Acronym: WHERE
Main Objective:
The goal of WHERE is to combine wireless communications and navigation to benefit from ubiquitous access for future mobile radio systems.

Key objectives include:
• Improvement of future wireless communications systems and integration of heterogeneous RAN infrastructures by location based procedures and protocols.
• Estimation of mobile terminal (MT) position information based on terrestrial RANs to enable such location based RAN functions.
• Exploitation of communication links to improve RAN based positioning through MT cooperation.
• Provision of accurate MT position information to enable location based and context aware
Reference: FP7 ICT-2007-217033
Funding: EU/FP7
Start Date: 01-01-2008
End Date: 01-06-2010
Team: Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez
Groups: Mobile Systems - Av
Local Coordinator: Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez

Associated Publications