Acronym: MOGGY |
Main Objective: 1) To develop a scaleable grid middleware/engine for BBMMOGs based on existing grid components that will facilitate an online games hosting platform. 2) To develop a specific BBMMOG called Dark Realms. Our suggestion is for a medieval RMSWG with a realistic realm-management interface: A king governing from his palace. 3) To develop a multimedia game for draughts playing. It will include chat, voice, video facilities to promote the interactivity and game learning by the players and viewers. 4) To acquire know-how to establish a games start-up or transfer it to portuguese games companies. This project may be a starting point for establishing a games company in ParkUrbis (Scientific and Technological Park in Covilhã). 5) To develop game skills at the undergraduate and graduate students via BSc, MSc, and PhD theses. Through contacts of our ex-students who are currently working for games companies in, for example, Portalegre we hope to promote and improve protocols with these companies via projects and training schemes. |
Reference: PTDC/EIA/70830/2006 |
Funding: FCT/PTDC |
Start Date: 01-01-2008 |
End Date: 01-12-2010 |
Team: Abel Joao Padrão Gomes, Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Silva, Pedro José Guerra de Araújo, Maria Paula Prata de Sousa, Paul Andrew Crocker, Pedro Domingues de Almeida, Rui Costa Cardoso |
Groups: Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv |
Partners: Universidade da Beira Interior |
Local Coordinator: Abel Joao Padrão Gomes |
Links:§ionid=6&id=25&Itemid Internal Page |
Associated Publications