Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: Double-Band Multi_standard Frequency Front-End for WLAN aplications

Acronym: WiFiRx
Main Objective:
The main objectives of this project are:
a) To build a highly integrated CMOS chip capable of receiving the RF signals from the most important WLAN systems in Europe, namely, IEEE 802.11 a/b/g. Encapsulated and naked chips prototypes will be fabricated. The naked chip prototypes will be tested chip-on-board (CoB) and the encapsulated chips will be tested on a test board.
b) To gather the individual skills of our team concerning design and test of individual blocks and with those skills build a wider system like a receiver.
c) To study and solve issues related with design of RF systems on a chip, namely, total power dissipation, occupied area, substrate injected noise, and overall immunity to external and internal spurious signals. For that the use of non-conventional and innovative solutions at block level will be investigated.
d) To give the possibility of two PhD and one MSc students to access 0.18um CMOS Mixed Signal / RF technology in their works.
The main objective of the principal investigator is to develop an expert team in radio frequency CMOS circuit and system design. The team past experience is mainly at circuits level and with this project we are able to give the next step to a wider system. As a consequence we will be prepared for future demands that certainly will appear taking in mind what is appending at national and international level.
Nowadays national companies are interested in RF CMOS communication circuits. For that they are starting collaborations with university and their research institutes. Also a strong demand for RF engineers is felt at a national level.
After his PhD, the PI, which in the past worked in GaAs MMICs, moved his research interest to RF integrated circuits in CMOS processes. In his teaching activities he has created a chair about RF CMOS circuits design offered to MSc and PhD courses.
In a near future projects, the goal will be the design of a complete transceiver.

Reference: PTDC/EEA-ELC/64368/2006
Funding: FCT/PTDC
Start Date: 01-09-2007
End Date: 01-04-2010
Team: João Manuel Torres Caldinhas Simões Vaz, Maria João Ramos Marques Coelho Carrilho Rosário, Fernando Manuel Ascenso Fortes, Fernando Santos Azevedo, Luís Miguel Moreira Mendes
Local Coordinator: João Manuel Torres Caldinhas Simões Vaz
Links: Internal Page

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