Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: Large Signal Measurements for Nonlinear Behavioral Model Extraction

Acronym: LaSiBeME
Main Objective:
With the recent advances on Wireless Communication Systems, the spectrum occupancy has rise severely. This imposes a very restringing limit on the modulation formats that should be used. As is well known, higher values of spectrum efficiency imposes modulation formats of non-constant amplitude, which are very demanding in terms of linearity of Power Amplifiers, PA. In order to account for these nonlinear effects on wireless communications, proper CAD/CAE tools should be used. But in order to predict all the relevant information of a system with CAD tools, some improved models describing the system behaviour should be used. Those models could be divided into three types, physical (completely physical based model), empirical (based on some physical knowledge, but less complex that the physical solution) and completely behavioural model based on input/output relations (in this case the device under test is considered a black box).
Due to the fact that wireless systems have being more and more complex, and thus includes a higher amount of components, the simulation of those systems, had moved to (from?) the so called base equivalent models, and thus to the complete behavioural model description of components. Nevertheless if this is easily obtained for linear components, it is more difficult for nonlinear ones. That is the reason why a large amount of researchers are looking to this behavioural model scientific area. But as in all modelling activities the model process is not completed without a precise measuring of certain parameters, in order to be able to extract the model parameters.
This project will be devoted mainly to this measuring approach, and thus to the instrumentation needs for a certain behavioural model parameter extraction. In that respect new approaches to the measuring of amplitude and phase is fundamental, and this should be done in the presence of complex forms of input signals, including the well know one-tone sinusoidal input, two-tone, and more recently multi-sine schemes.
Reference: E-80/07
Funding: CRUP
Start Date: 01-01-2007
End Date: 01-12-2008
Team: Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho
Groups: Radio Systems – Av
Local Coordinator: Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho
Links: Internal Page

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