Acronym: ESTIP V |
Main Objective: Study, implementation and experimenting in the areas of: - Admission Control and Resources management in heterogeneous IP networks - Multimedia networks’ monitoring The project will produce technical reports, evaluating the studied algorithms and solutions, and will provide component software prototypes to be integrated in more complex telecommunications’ solutions. ETSI/TISPAN will be used as a reference architecture. |
Reference: |
Funding: PT Inovação |
Start Date: 01-01-2007 |
End Date: 30-06-2007 |
Team: Francisco Manuel Marques Fontes, André Miguel Pinto Oliveira, Gonçalo Martins |
Groups: Telecommunications and Networking – Av |
Partners: |
Local Coordinator: Francisco Manuel Marques Fontes |
Links: Internal Page |
Associated Publications