Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: Networked audiovisual media technologies II

Acronym: VISNET II
Main Objective:
The main goal of VISNET II is the provision of a working environment with appropriate integration activities and research infrastructure that will ease and stimulate the interaction and cooperation among European researchers and institutions with recognized excellence in various fields embraced by audiovisual networking technologies. The fulfilment of this objective will promote and contribute to the advances of research in this area and ultimately improve the quality and quantity of research results. Due to the high commitment of this NoE in conducting extensive dissemination activities, results will easily span across its borders, thus benefiting the whole scientific and technological communities.
Reference: IST-1-038398
Funding: EU
Start Date: 01-07-2006
End Date: 01-06-2009
Team: Fernando Manuel Bernardo Pereira, Paulo Luis Serras Lobato Correia, Luís Eduardo de Pinho Ducla Soares, Paulo Jorge Lourenço Nunes, José Manuel Quintas Franco Nunes Pedro
Groups: Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx
Partners: University of Surrey, Heinrich Hertz Institute, Universitat Politecnica Catalunya, Technical University Berlin, Telecom Italia, Politecnico di Milano, Thales Research and Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, INESC Porto
Local Coordinator: Fernando Manuel Bernardo Pereira
Internal Page

Associated Publications