Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 069557 - Twin: Plataforma híbrida de aprovisionamento de serviços e comunicações orquestradas para aplicações stateful com requisitos de latência e jitter

Acronym: TWIN
Main Objective:
Reinforce research, technological development and innovation

Synthesis: This project proposes to research and develop a solution to address the complex infrastructure management and contact center services, in a hybrid cloud scenario, with clear and tight requirements of SLA, namely involving latency and jitter SLIs (just to name a few). Additionally, this management should be based on the development of a solution that allows the unified and transversal management of local resources (in a service gateway) and data centers remote, respecting SLAs, availability and capacity of resources. For this, the solution is supported on a set of current technologies for virtualization platform management, where its integrated use in the context of scenarios, with low-latency real-time interactive applications, presents challenges relevant science and technology. In this way, the research and development to be carried out within this project will not only allow improvements to an existing product to be made available, such as the availability of a new product and the progress in the state of the art on a scientific level.

Eligible Costs: 950 340,16 € (Total) / 195 024,89 € (IT)

Funding (FEDER - COMPETE 2020): 565 397,97 € (Total) / 146 268,67 € (IT)
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-069557
Funding: P2020
Approval Date: 27-01-2021
Start Date: 31-01-2021
End Date: 30-06-2023
Team: João Paulo Silva Barraca, Mário Luis Pinto Antunes, Vítor António Gonçalves Ribeiro da Cunha, Rui Luis Andrade Aguiar, Oscar Narciso Mortagua Pereira, Diogo Nuno Pereira Gomes
Groups: Telecommunications and Networking – Av
Local Coordinator: João Paulo Silva Barraca

Associated Publications