Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: EXperimentation and simulation based PLatform for beyond 5G Optical-wireless network Research and development

Acronym: EXPLOR
Main Objective:
Fifth- and sixth-generation communication systems are expected to undergo significant advances. Optical wireless technologies are a promising candidate for meeting the demands of these communication systems. With this in mind, the EU-funded EXPLOR project aims to develop a comprehensive modular software with fully validated state-of-the-art component and system-level numerical models and cognitive and adaptive features. The software will include libraries with novel use cases and scenarios targeting next-generation converged optical wireless networks. The project platform will promote deep academic and techno-economic considerations of relevant beyond-5G features such as high-millimetre-wave frequency optical front-haul, femtocell-based communications, network cognition and cloud-radio-access-network environment functionalities. This will provide insight into the field and enable future innovation beyond 5G networks.
Reference: H2020-EU.1.3.3.
Funding: EU
Start Date: 01-01-2020
End Date: 31-08-2024
Team: Zoran Vujicic, Claudia Marina Mónica de Oliveira Barbosa, Muhammad Awais Khan, Georgios Zachos, Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez, Issa Tamer Elmabrouk Elfergani, Filippos Pelekoudas-Oikonomou
Groups: Mobile Systems - Av
Partners: University of Athens, Iquadrat Informatica SL, Interactive Coventry Limited
Local Coordinator: Zoran Vujicic

Associated Publications
  • 1Papers in Conferences
  • E. Aloupogianni, C. Karyotis, T. Maniak, Z. Vujicic, R. I. Iqbal, . Passas, F. Doctor, Network Slicing for Beyond 5G Networks using Machine Learning, IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing CCGrid, Philadelphia, United States, May, 2024 | BibTex