Acronym: SafeFire |
Main Objective: In SafeFire we focus on firefighters' health and performance conditions by proposing innovative approaches integrating physiological and environmental data monitoring, intelligent data analysis, and effective communication mechanisms. The main objectives are to improve firefighters’ health status, prevent hazardous situations, and explore and integrate monitored information to support team management decisions, including team rotations and special needs. We intend to investigate gas, environmental and skin temperature, and signals of clinical relevance for the evaluation of activity patterns (including falls detection and abnormal behaviors), health status, and physical and mental stress. Sensors and acquisition modules will be completely integrated on textile substrates for health monitoring of firefighters. |
Reference: PCIF/SSO/0163/2019 |
Funding: FCT |
Approval Date: 20-07-2020 |
Start Date: 24-01-2021 |
End Date: 01-01-2025 |
Team: Ana Luisa Nobre Fred, Hugo Humberto Plácido da Silva, Ana Sofia Cacais do Carmo, Diogo José Almeida Rodrigues |
Groups: Pattern and Image Analysis – Lx |
Partners: Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Aerodinâmica Industrial, LATINO CONFECÇÕES, LDA, Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade de Coimbra |
Local Coordinator: Ana Luisa Nobre Fred |
Associated Publications