Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: Wider Impacts and Scenario Evaluation of Autonomous and Connected Transport

Acronym: WISEACT
Main Objective:
Autonomous vehicle (AV) trials are currently taking place worldwide and Europe has a key role in the development of relevant technology. Yet, very limited research exists regarding the wider implications of the deployment of such vehicles on existing road infrastructure, since it is unclear if and when the transition period will start and conclude.It is anticipated that improved accessibility and road safety will constitute the primary benefits of the widespread use of AVs, whilst co-benefits may also include reduced energy consumption, improved air quality or better use of urban space. Therefore, the focus of this COST Action is on observed and anticipated future mobility trends and implications on travel behaviour, namely car sharing, travel time use or residential location choice to name a few. Other important issues to be explored under different deployment scenarios are social, ethical, institutional and business impacts.To achieve this, it is essential to culminate co-operation between a wide range of stakeholders at a local, national and international level, including academics and practitioners. Consequently, this COST Action will facilitate collaboration within Europe and beyond about this emerging topic of global interest.
Reference: CA16222
Funding: EU/COST
Start Date: 01-05-2018
End Date: 30-04-2020
Team: Pedro Miranda de Andrade de Albuquerque d´Orey
Groups: Networked Systems – Po
Partners: Technical University of Munich, University of Greenwich
Local Coordinator: Pedro Miranda de Andrade de Albuquerque d´Orey

Associated Publications