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Project: CRYPTOnITe: Testing the limits of parallel computer architectures under attacks against lattice-based cryptoschemes

Acronym: CRYPTOnITe
Main Objective:
In this project, we propose to conduct a thorough survey of attacks for lattice-based cryptoanalysis and test the limits of some of those attacks on parallel computer architectures such as GPUs. The contribution of this project is two-fold. First, it will result in a survey where existent attacks against lattice-based cryptoschemes are identified, categorized and assessed, especially from a High Performance Computing perspective. Second, it will pick some relevant attacks, and test their suitability to GPUs and multi-GPU systems.
Reference: UID/EEA/50008/2013
Funding: FCT
Start Date: 01-04-2017
End Date: 01-04-2018
Team: Gabriel Falcao Paiva Fernandes
Groups: Multimedia Signal Processing – Co
Local Coordinator: Gabriel Falcao Paiva Fernandes

Associated Publications
  • 1Boock Chapters
  • A. Mariano, F. Cabeleira, L. Santos, G. Falcão, Optimized Voronoi-based Algorithms for Parallel Shortest Vector Computation, Chapter in, Cybersecurity & High-Performance Computing Environments: Integrated Innovations, Chapman & Hall, Florida, 2022
  • 1Papers in Journals
  • A. Mariano, T. Laarhoven, F. Correia, M. Rodrigues, G. Falcão, A practical view of the state-of-the-art of lattice-based cryptanalysis, IEEE Access, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1 - 14, August, 2017,
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