Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: Ultimate Performance Analysis Tool

Acronym: uPATO
Main Objective:
The general idea of the project is to innovate in the way how match analysis is performed and used in team sports, for example in football. The main idea of the project is extend the PATO tool, which allows the introduction of data to create the adjacency matrix, by develop and integrate the several metrics used for team sports analysis and present the results in a graphical way (i.e., create a new framework with all metrics of performance analysis available in an integrated way). Usually, each author presents a tool with their metrics but a tool that integrates all metrics available does not exist.
Second, we want to develop a cloud solution to store the data generated by the software, to allow the data access by a user (e.g., by a coach of football during the game). This way it is possible to have a person codifying a football match in real time using the PATO tool, and other persons can access to the performance analysis simultaneously. For example, a coach can access to the performance analysis, using a mobile device, at the same time that the match is codified.
Reference: UID/EEA/50008/2013
Funding: IT/LA
Start Date: 01-07-2016
End Date: 01-10-2018
Team: Fernando Manuel Lourenço Martins, Filipe Manuel Batista Clemente, Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Silva, Abel Joao Padrão Gomes
Groups: Applied Mathematics – Cv, Network Architectures and Protocols – Cv
Partners: Instituto de Telecomunicações
Local Coordinator: Fernando Manuel Lourenço Martins

Associated Publications
  • 3Thesis
  • Efeito de jogos lúdico-recreativos de cooperação-oposição no nível de atividade física e nas interações em crianças no 1ºCiclo do Ensino Básico, Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra, MSc Student, Soraia Filipa Moreira da Silva, Supervisor: F. Martins, Co-supervisor: F.M.C. Clemente, out-2016 - jul-2017
  • Efeito de jogos lúdico-recreativos de cooperação no nível da atividade física e nas interações em crianças no 1ºCiclo do Ensino Básico, Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra, MSc Student, Oriana Salomé Marques Ferreira, Supervisor: F. Martins, Co-supervisor: F.M.C. Clemente, out-2016 - jul-2017
  • Comparação entre jogos de cooperação e jogos de cooperação-oposição ao nível da atividade física e da interação em crianças do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra, MSc Student, Andreia Sofia Pereira dos Santos, Supervisor: F. Martins, Co-supervisor: F.M.C. Clemente, out-2016 - jul-2017