Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: Deteção de Ataques de Redirecionamento de Tráfego a uma Escala Global

Acronym: DARTEG
Main Objective:
This project proposes the development of a world-wide distributed probing platform (with centralize control) to detect traffic routing variations based on round-trip times deviations inferred from multiple and disperse geographic locations. The detection platform is aimed to satisfy the needs of corporate users and not ISP. Corporate uses must be able to protect their network assets by detecting any threatening attack without detailed information about BGP routing information, which are usually very restricted to ISP.
Reference: PTDC/EEI-TEL/5708/2014
Funding: FCT/PTDC
Start Date: 01-05-2016
End Date: 31-12-2018
Team: Paulo Jorge Salvador Serra Ferreira, Antonio Manuel Duarte Nogueira, Rui Jorge Morais Tomaz Valadas
Groups: Telecommunications and Networking – Av
Partners: IST-ID (CEMAT, IST, University of Lisbon)
Local Coordinator: Paulo Jorge Salvador Serra Ferreira

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