Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: Control of Aquatic Drones for Maritime Tasks

Acronym: CORATAM
Main Objective:
The primary contribution of the project will be twofold: (i) we will demonstrate a number of collective behaviors on a system of aquatic drones to show that systems of such drones have the potential to take on important maritime tasks, and (ii) we will explore the application of our novel hybrid approach to the synthesis of self-organized controllers for multirobot systems.
Reference: EXPL/EEI-AUT/0329/2013
Funding: FCT
Start Date: 01-04-2014
End Date: 01-07-2015
Team: Anders Lyhne Christensen, Sancho Moura Oliveira, Miguel Duarte, Fernando Silva, Jorge Gomes
Groups: Information Technology - Lx
Local Coordinator: Anders Lyhne Christensen

Associated Publications