Acronym: GEMINI |
Main Objective: The main goal of the GEMINI project is to create an interactive Computer Assisted Decision (CAD) system that can be used during a gastroenterology examination. The main objectives of the GEMINI project are: - Identify interaction opportunities within a gastroenterology exam room environment, model relevant personas and define scenario characteristics. - Design, develop and deploy an interactive prototype for enhanced information access within a gastroenterology exam room. - Research novel computer vision algorithms that can be integrated into the final prototype. - Publish results in high-impact scientific journals and conferences. |
Reference: PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013 |
Funding: FCT |
Start Date: 01-04-2014 |
End Date: 01-04-2016 |
Team: Miguel Tavares Coimbra, Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Proença, Mário Dinis-Ribeiro, Ricardo Jorge Gamelas de Sousa, Pedro Tiago Magalhães Gomes |
Groups: |
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Local Coordinator: Miguel Tavares Coimbra |
Associated Publications