Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: Trapping Light in Open Resonators

Acronym: TRAP
Main Objective:
• Investigate theoretically and experimentally the potentials of new open resonators based on ENZ-type shields at microwaves.
• Investigate nonlinear effects.
• Extend to electronics our approach of having bound photonic states coupled to the continuum.
Reference: C00355
Funding: IT/LA
Start Date: 01-04-2014
End Date: 01-04-2016
Team: Mário Goncalo Mestre Verissimo Silveirinha, Carlos Antonio Cardoso Fernandes, Jorge Manuel Lopes Leal Rodrigues da Costa, Marco Alexandre Ribeiro, Tiago André Nogueira Morgado, Sylvain Arnaud Lannebere, Filipa Isabel Rodrigues Prudêncio
Groups: Antennas and Propagation – Co, Antennas and Propagation – Lx
Local Coordinator: Mário Goncalo Mestre Verissimo Silveirinha

Associated Publications