Acronym: TRAP |
Main Objective: • Investigate theoretically and experimentally the potentials of new open resonators based on ENZ-type shields at microwaves. • Investigate nonlinear effects. • Extend to electronics our approach of having bound photonic states coupled to the continuum. |
Reference: C00355 |
Funding: IT/LA |
Start Date: 01-04-2014 |
End Date: 01-04-2016 |
Team: Mário Goncalo Mestre Verissimo Silveirinha, Carlos Antonio Cardoso Fernandes, Jorge Manuel Lopes Leal Rodrigues da Costa, Marco Alexandre Ribeiro, Tiago André Nogueira Morgado, Sylvain Arnaud Lannebere, Filipa Isabel Rodrigues Prudêncio |
Groups: Antennas and Propagation – Co, Antennas and Propagation – Lx |
Partners: |
Local Coordinator: Mário Goncalo Mestre Verissimo Silveirinha |
Associated Publications