Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: Electronic Health Records: Needs, Requirements, and Barriers of Adoption in Physiotherapy

Acronym: EHR-Physio
Main Objective:
The aim of the project is to design Electronic Health Records for Physiotherapy using determined requirements from perspective of patients and physiotherapists needs and perceived barriers to adoption. Patient-Physiotherapist-Designer (PPD) Framework will describe the concerns and attitudes that patients and their caregiver might have on the concept of electronic health records, as well as potential barriers to acceptance, such as variation in computer skills, and technology awareness. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of collected data using Delphi process, The Inventory of Patients Needs on EHRs for Physiotherapy, The Inventory of Physiotherapists Perspectives on EHRs for Physiotherapy and conclusions from Patient-Physiotherapist-Designer (PPD) Framework will give an overview with respect to the needs of EHRs for the domain of Physiotherapy. The pilot deployments will allow usability tests and evaluation of methods for data collection in physiotherapy practice.
Reference: PTDC/DTP-DES/1661/2012
Funding: FCT/PTDC
Start Date: 01-05-2013
End Date: 01-09-2015
Team: Octavian Postolache, Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão, José Miguel Costa Dias Pereira, Gabriela Postolache, Helder Crvalho, Joaquim Mendes, Raul Alexandre Nunes da Silva Oliveira, Cláudia Maia e Moura, Sónia Bárcia
Groups: Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx, Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx, Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx, Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx, Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx, Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx, Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx, Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx, Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx, Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx
Partners: Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, Universidade Atlantica, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, UTL, FEUP, Universidade de Minho
Local Coordinator: Octavian Postolache
Links: Internal Page

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