Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: Technology & Design Kit for Printed Electronics (TDK4PE)

Acronym: TDK4PE
Main Objective:
The goal of Technology & Design Kit for Printed Electronics (TDK4PE) is to set a fundamental change in the way printed electronics (PE) are designed and manufactured in Europe, with the aim of reducing costs and time-to-market by more than an order of magnitude for more complex designs than ever before by addressing thousands of transistors on a substrate.
The key is to develop a methodology to enable application-specific PE circuit implementation. This will be achieved by adopting a methodology similar to the silicon microelectronics one: using a Technology and Design Kit to abstract physics to a point where engineers could address physical design with sufficient certainty and great freedom for creativity. This TDK will support circuit design at physical, full-custom, and cell-based levels.
Reference: 287682
Funding: EC/FP7
Start Date: 01-10-2012
End Date: 01-09-2014
Team: Henrique Leonel Gomes, Maria do Carmo Raposo de Medeiros
Groups: Organic Electronics – Lx, Optical Communication Systems and Networking – Co
Partners: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, ES; Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, L'Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile – ENEA, IT; Flexink, UK; Infiniscale SA, FR; Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, ES; Phoenix BV, NL; Universidade do Algarve, PT; Technische Universität Chemnitz, DE; Sensing Tex S.L., ES; 3D-Micromac AG, DE
Local Coordinator: Henrique Leonel Gomes
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