Acronym: LIFEisGAME |
Main Objective: To carry out research that leads to a system capable of facial synthesis in real time with cinematographic quality To explore different models to define the most adequate tangible user interface to allow an immersive behavior when interacting with people that sufer of ASD To disseminate results to the public and to the scientific community |
Reference: UTA-Est/MAI/0009/2009 |
Funding: FCT, UT Austin |
Start Date: 01-07-2010 |
End Date: 01-07-2014 |
Team: Veronica Costa Teixeira Pinto Orvalho, Cristina Queiroz, Jake Aggarwal, Yan Zhang, Miguel Sales Dias |
Groups: Computer Graphics and Interactive Multimedia - Po |
Partners: Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, MSFT - Software para Microcomputadores, LDA (Microsoft), University os Texas at Austin (UTA) |
Local Coordinator: Veronica Costa Teixeira Pinto Orvalho |
Links: Internal Page |
Associated Publications