Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: Magnetic Induction Tomography - High Resolution Imaging Instrumentation

Acronym: TIMII
Main Objective:
Develop the Magnetic Induction Tomography technology in all of its aspects which includes the Electromagnetic Direct Problem Formulation, the Image Processing Inverse Problem Resolution, the Instrumentation and the Biomedical applications.
Reference: P952
Funding: FCT/PTDC
Start Date: 01-01-2010
End Date: 01-12-2012
Team: Raúl Daniel Lavado Carneiro Martins, António Manuel da Cruz Serra, Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão, Nuno Gonçalo Bandeira Brás
Groups: Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx
Local Coordinator: Raúl Daniel Lavado Carneiro Martins
Links: Internal Page

Associated Publications