Acronym: QUALINET |
Main Objective: The goal of this Action is to establish a strong network on Quality of Experience (QoE) with participation from both academia and industry. Its main objective will be to develop and to promote methodologies to subjectively and objectively measure the impact in terms of quality of future multimedia products and services. |
Reference: IC1003 |
Funding: EU/COST |
Start Date: 01-11-2010 |
End Date: 01-10-2014 |
Team: João Miguel Duarte Ascenso |
Groups: Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx |
Partners: EPFL, CH, TUB, D, Alinari 24 ORE spa, IT, Orange Labs, FR, DOCOMO Laboratories Europe, D, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, NL, Deutsche Telekom, D, Philips, NL, Telecom Italia, IT, Qualcomm, USA, Telenor, NO |
Local Coordinator: Fernando Manuel Bernardo Pereira |
Links: Internal Page |
Associated Publications