Acronym: EHR-Wheel |
Main Objective: Developing unobtrusive monitoring of electrocardiogram and respiratory activities using sensors installed in household furniture in everyday life completed with RFID elements to provide a safe and healthy place for the elderly Developing appropriate health data and tracking data analysis tools important observations (e.g. general health and activity levels, activities of daily living (ADL). Advanced data processing for accurate cardiac and respiratory signal monitoring. |
Reference: RIPD/APD/109639/2009 |
Funding: FCT, RIPD |
Start Date: 01-05-2010 |
End Date: 01-12-2012 |
Team: Octavian Postolache, Pedro Manuel Brito da Silva Girão, Gabriela Postolache, Joaquim Mendes, José Miguel Costa Dias Pereira, Eduardo Correia Pinheiro, Rui Madeira, Cláudia Maia e Moura |
Groups: Instrumentation and Measurements – Lx |
Partners: |
Local Coordinator: Octavian Postolache |
Links: Internal Page |
Associated Publications