Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: IP-Based Emergency Applications and Services for Next Generation Networks

Acronym: PEACE
Main Objective:
Design and Specification of Next Generation Emergency Communication System
−Specify a general all-IP IMS-based emergency management architecture
− Investigate and provide solutions for supporting daily emergency communication based
on IP protocols.
- Specify and integrate mechanisms for user and device location in Next Generation Networks.
- Specify a representation of emergency numbers in IMS and its mapping to PSTN
- Extend IMS with mechanisms for indication of location and emergency numbers
− Support ad-hoc communication in a secure manner.

Reference: 225654
Funding: EU/FP7
Start Date: 01-09-2008
End Date: 01-12-2011
Team: Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez
Groups: Mobile Systems - Av
Local Coordinator: Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez

Associated Publications