Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: QoS and Performance Management in Satellite Networks

Acronym: QPMSN
Main Objective:
Satellite systems are becoming important actors in the provision of internet access and services in remote areas. For this purpose, the satellite link has to be seen just like any other internet core link, from the point of view of the functionality required to support Quality of Service (QoS). Additionally, it is desirable that it do so at a high level of performance. The proposed work aims at studying architectures for the support of QoS in satellite networks and mechanisms for increasing the satellite networks levels of performance for the provision of communication services.
Reference: xyz
Funding: IT/LA
Start Date: 01-01-2009
End Date: 01-12-2009
Team: Jose Manuel Rego Lourenco Brazio
Groups: Network Architectures and Protocols – Lx
Local Coordinator: Jose Manuel Rego Lourenco Brazio
Links: Internal Page

Associated Publications