Like any other research institution, the main objective of Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) is the creation and dissemination of new scientific knowledge. Therefore, it must be driven by the will to innovate, or, in other words, to change. And this is something that must be embedded in its genes, encompassing every bit of its body and soul, from its mission to its governance. It was with this in mind that the Board of Directors decided to elect a new President for the upcoming 2021-2024 term, a responsibility that fell on its youngest member.
When I applied to lead the Aveiro site of IT, it never crossed my mind that I could be asked to assume such responsibilities at the national level. However, I accepted this additional "job" with the same ambition that I took the first one: to serve an institution that already gave me a lot and is still giving me and many other researchers and scholars. So, now, I count on all our graduate students, researchers, clerks, and technicians to help me guide IT to gradually implement the changes that IT needs to continue serving its Associated Institutions and researchers.
Before closing this Editorial I would like to thank my predecessor, Prof. Carlos Salema, for all the dedication and effort he put into establishing and running IT for the past years. We are all indebted to him.
José C. Pedro
IT President
Our highlights of this month...
IT researchers co-created a new method for the construction of habitable modules on Mars
We talked with a part of the project team Miguel Bergano (Instituto de Telecomunicações, University of Aveiro), Domingos Barbosa (Instituto de Telecomunicações, University of Aveiro) and Gracinda Ferreira (principal inventor, UA, currently at Cranfield University, UK), to know more about the patent recently granted by INPI, based on MAIA technology. This technology consists of a 3D printer for the construction of habitable modules with a raw mixture of binders and the soil of Mars, which will drive the next step for automated and affordable construction in inhospitable places...
Stanford University has recently released the update of the list of the top 2% of the most-cited scientists in various disciplines. Twenty-six researchers associated with Instituto de Telecomunicações figure among the most-cited researchers worldwide, falling within the top 2% in their respective scientific fields.
5GAIner laboratory shaping the future of connectivity
Huawei, University of Aveiro, and Instituto de Telecomunicações are developing a laboratory for experimenting with 5G Technology and artificial intelligence – the 5GAIner lab, inaugurated last November 16th at University of Aveiro.
We are proud to announce that Nuno Borges Carvalho is the President-elect (2022) of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S). One of the most prestigious organizations in the field.
João Ascenso summarized to "90 Segundos de Ciência" podcast his research on how to improve the quality offered by image compression standards, namely the popular JPEG.
5G-CONTACT, or 5G CONText-Aware Communications Optimization, is a project led locally by the IT researcher Daniel Corujo. This project takes advantage of the intrinsic cloud-computing capabilities associated with the 5th Generation of Mobile Telecommunications and provides innovative network operations supporting mechanisms to assist in different types of scenarios, such as health situations.
In this segment, we track down the companies that today tell some of IT's biggest success stories, and we chat with the people behind them to learn more about the unique businesses that are born when research meets entrepreneurship.
We caught up with Rogério Nunes Nogueira to know more about the spin-off WATGRID, a Portuguese company focused on the development of innovative technological solutions for the digitalization of processes in liquid-related industries. Based on IoT, WATGRID systems are composed of a Visualization Platform, Computing Platform with an Artificial Intelligence Engine, and Hardware (monitoring sensors). The innovative character of the company has already accomplished several innovation awards...
Don't miss our upcoming events...
14-16 September 2022
8th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good
EAI GOODTECHS 2022 will be focused on cutting-edge experiences with the design, implementation, deployment, operation, and evaluation of smart objects and technologies for Social Good. The conference will take place in Aveiro city, Portugal, on September 14-16 of 2022. The submission deadline runs until 22 March 2022.
João Santos
Efficient Lossless Coding of Light Fields for Medical Imaging Systems
Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, by University of Coimbra, December 2021 (expected), supervised by Luís Alberto da Silva Cruz (IT-Coimbra), Sérgio Manuel Maciel de Faria and Pedro António Amado de Assunção, both from IT - Institute Polytecnic de Leiria. His Ph.D. thesis proposes methods for the lossless compression of Light Fields (LFs), targeted for medical imaging systems. Major outcomes include the development of standard-compliant coding methods, three prediction modes for MRP that exploit the inherent redundancies of 4D LFs, and a LF lossless encoder with scalability and random access capabilities.
José-Maria Moreira
Towards Clinically Relevant Machine Learning for Medical Imaging: Applications to Segmentation, Classification, and Survival Prediction
Ph.D. in Bioengineering Systems by MIT Portugal, Instituto Superior Técnico, and Champalimaud Foundation, December 2021 (expected), supervised by Mário Figueiredo (IT-IST) and Nickolas Papanikolaou (CF). His Ph.D. thesis uses different ways of studying mineable medical imaging data. From extracting radiomic features from regions of interest and applying “classical” machine learning techniques trying to predict tumour staging, to using deep learning architectures to learn how to segment tumours, and anatomical structures, or even predicting survival. Generally, it presents proof-of-concept dataflows and AI methodologies to be applied to medical data. The main goal of the work is to create the dataflows needed for clinically relevant machine learning techniques. Currently, works as Data Scientist at Luz Saúde - Learning Health.
Roger Farias
My first contact with Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT Lisbon) was during my Ph.D. in 2014, within the Doctoral Programme in Electrical and Computer Engineering, where I studied under the supervision of Professor Custódio Peixeiro (IT/IST) and co-supervision of Professor Marcos V. T. Heckler (Universidade Federal do Pampa, Alegrete, Brazil). During that time, I improved my knowledge regarding printed antennas, focused on reflectarray antennas for satellite communication applications.
After finishing my Ph.D. in 2020, I started working for a Brazilian company called ALGcom, based in Caxias do Sul, where I worked as an antenna engineer. My main role was to design different types of antennas for mobile communications as well as some RF components.
About a year ago, I returned to Portugal, where I am currently working at ISQ, a Portuguese company, as a researcher. My activities concern electromagnetic simulations in the area of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), namely for aeronautics and space sectors.