- What subjects should universities include in a Master’s degree in Telecommunications?
There are as many different answers to this question as there are universities.
So, before providing my own answer let me make some basic assumptions. I will assume that the candidate has completed 12 years of education with some basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, and, at least, a foreign language (possibly English). I will further assume that the candidate will have a professional life of 40-50 years and that he/she will not have many opportunities to indulge in long (over a month) refreshment courses.
Given the pace of changes in the field of Telecommunications, it is to include in university courses the last word in technology (with full details). It is almost guaranteed that the last technology will be obsolete in 10 to 15 years. Yet, basic mathematics and physics are more than likely to remain at the core of all technologies a young professional will find during his professional life and beyond. So, it is vital that the student has the time not only to grasp but also to gain a deep understanding of the basics. He must not only know but mostly learn to use the theoretical concepts to solve real-time problems. A few hours a week in the labs is required for the basic concept to be well understood and properly used.
Of course, this takes time. It is not possible to do it in 3 years while including a few other subjects regardless of their importance. Being able to write down and learn about Maxwell’s equations is one thing; but being able to use them to design a simple antenna, is quite different.
Carlos Salema
Life at IT Lisboa...
On our 30th anniversary, IT board initiated a set of visits to sites and branches to get in touch with the daily days, successes, and apprehensions of the researchers. In April, took place a visit to IT-IST Lisboa Labs. We photo reported this tour. Do you want to see what happened? Watch the video.
Miguel Sampaio Crena Loff Barreto, supervised by António Rodrigues, Paula Queluz and Ivo Sousa (IT Lisboa), won the 2022 Best Thesis Award in the area of Information Technology.
Miguel Rêgo, IT Ph.D. student at the University of Aveiro, supervised by Pedro Fonseca and Luis Alves (IT Aveiro), was one of the 50 awarded a Huawei "Seeds for the Future 2.0" grant, in a call that received more than 3000 applications.
About 10 million tons of mismanaged plastic waste are dumped into the oceans every year. It persists in water for several decades before degrading. The embedded chemical additives are toxic to all types of marine life, which absorb or ingest it, ultimately reaching the human food chain.
This has become a global problem, demanding permanent monitoring, which is only possible with the global geographic reach of satellites.
That's the goal of MARES project team, to develop a satellite-based microwave remote sensing for marine litter mapping. The achievement of this goal will be a major step to fight the environmental impacts of marine litter. There is no evidence yet on which is the best sensing technology.
Our latest awarded book editions...
Enabling 6G Mobile Networks (2022), edited by Jonathan Rodriguez Gonzalez, Christos Verikoukis, John Vardakas & Nikos Passas, tackles the 6G odyssey, providing a concerted technology roadmap toward the 6G vision focused on the interoperability between the wireless and optical domain, including the benefits that are introduced through virtualization and software-defined radio.
Optical Fiber Interferometric Sensors: New Production Methodologies and Novel Applications (2022), edited by Paulo André, Nélia J. Alberto, & Maria de Fátima Domingues, addresses the topic of Optical fiber interferometric sensors, mainly due to their ability to perform measures with extreme accuracy on a variety of physical parameters, which range from temperature, strain, pressure, and chemical quantities to physiological parameters.
Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (2021), edited by Xuesong Ye, Filipe Soares, Elisabetta De Maria, Pedro Gómez Vilda, Federico Cabitza, Ana Fred, & Hugo Gamboa, includes an extended and revised version of papers from the 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2020).
Don't miss our latest upcoming events...
LXMLS 2022
24-29 Jul 2022
The 12th Lisbon Machine Learning School
2nd International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Physiology
11-12 Nov 2022
2nd International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Physiology: Physiology for a Healthier, Longer Life
Workshop at Globecom 2022
04-08 Dec 2022
Workshop on Sustainable Future Ultra-Dense Networks
Catarina Belchior
Automatic Methodology for Wideband Power Amplifier Design
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at the University of Aveiro (expected 2023), supervised by Luís Cótimos Nunes and Pedro Cabral (University of Aveiro).
Her Ph.D. research proposes a methodology that enables the automation of the optimum impedance profiles’ selection in a power amplifier.
Currently, Catarina is a junior researcher at IT-Aveiro.
Filipa Sequeira
The first time I have worked at Instituto de Telecomunicações, IT-Aveiro, was in the year 2008, while completing my Master in Applied Physics; after I develop professional activity as a teacher at public schools and a research scholar for several years.
I obtained her Ph.D. in Physical Engineering from the University of Aveiro, Portugal, in 2020. As a researcher, I am specialized in low-cost solutions for water quality assessment, using plastic optical fibres sensors for the detection and quantification of contaminants focusing on intensity-based systems.
Now, I am a contracted researcher at Instituto de Telecomunicações, Aveiro, working in the same area, in the project AQUATICsens - wAter QUAlity assessment using Fibre OpTICs SENSors. My research interests are related to increasing awareness for sustainability using optics and photonics, namely fibre optics sensors for contaminants detection in water. This project will end in March so, at this moment, I am also looking ahead to some new challenges.