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Hugo Silva elevated to advisory member of Ordem dos Engenheiros

by IT on 31-10-2024
Project snapshot QSCAN Space Security Quantum Information and Communications Portuguese Quantum Communication Infrastructure

Hugo Silva has recently been appointed an Advisory Member of the Ordem dos Engenheiros, specifically within the newly established College of Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering. This prestigious recognition follows his role on the Installing Committee for the Five New Specialty Colleges of the Ordem dos Engenheiros, where he contributes to the Biomedical Engineering specialty.

This honorary title is particularly significant, reflecting a peer-based assessment and a thorough review of his professional and academic accomplishments. Hugo Silva has consistently earned accolades throughout his career. In 2015, he was awarded first place in the 2014 Young Engineer Innovation Award and the INOVPortugal competition. Additionally, he became the first Portuguese recipient of the IEEE Entrepreneurship Impact Award, granted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), which honors individuals who have made substantial contributions to the engineering-driven entrepreneurial community, and many others. 

Hugo Silva is a Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico and our senior researcher since 2004, developing in the Pattern and Image Analysis group of IT-Lisbon methods for the processing and analyzing of signals, images, and other types of information, leading several ongoing projects in the field of biomedical engineering. 


To know more, visit his profile here

Watch his IEEE Entrepreneurship Impact Award testimony here

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