Every year, Stanford University and Elsevier publish an updated list of the top 2% of the most-cited scientists across disciplines, including Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing, Optoelectronics & Photonics, Software Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Information and Communications Technologies, Networking & Telecommunications, and Enabling & Strategic Technologies. This study spans 22 major fields and 176 subfields, featuring data from over 200,000 researchers. The data for career-long and single-year impacts is presented separately.
Researchers from the Instituto de Telecomunicações have earned prestigious recognition on both lists, which include more than 200,000 names. Twenty-eight IT researchers are recognized for their career-long contributions, and twenty-three for their single-year impact, resulting in fifty-one nominations. A total of thirty-five IT researchers are among the most-cited scientists worldwide across the two lists, falling within the top 2% in their respective scientific fields. For the first time, we have on our list four top women scientists.
The list of the IT scientists with more influential careers:
And, the IT scientists more influential in 2023:Alberto, Nélia
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