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Daniel Corujo elected Board Member of one6G association

by IT on 05-04-2023
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After the finalization of the one6G Voting Process, Daniel Corujo was elected as one of the Board members of the one6G Association.

This Board supervises and advises the secretariat in all material respects, in particular concerning strategic considerations with a view to the current and future activities of the Association. The board is composed of 16 members, and the candidates with the highest number of votes cast are elected. The members of the board are elected for a 2-year term.

one6G aims to evolve, test and promote next-generation cellular and wireless technology-based communications solutions. By supporting global 6G research and standardization efforts, the goal is to accelerate its adoption and overall market penetration, while addressing societal and industry-driven needs for enhanced connected mobility. one6 G's ambition is to speed up the development of new services and applications in domains such as advanced autonomous driving, advanced manufacturing, advanced wireless e-health, and remote education. one6G counts with more than 100 members, from over 60 different companies, institutions, and academia.


Daniel Corujo is our researcher, Professor at the University of Aveiro, Department of Electrics, Telecommunications and Informatics. Since 2022, he is also vice-chair of IEEE Communications Society. 


More about Daniel Corujo: