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José Bioucas Dias nr. 1 in the ranking of the best Computer Science Scientists in Portugal

by IT on 15-03-2023
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On the day that we celebrate the life of the late José Bioucas Dias (1960-2020), the updated ranking in different areas for 2023 puts him at the top list of the best Computer Science Scientists in Portugal, followed by Mário Figueiredo, both from Instituto de Telecomunicações and Instituto Superior Técnico.

José Bioucas Dias and Mário Figueiredo feature as the most cited in Portugal, respectively with 28,171 and 29,803 citations in the study fields of Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Statistics, Algorithm, Hyperspectral imaging, and Pattern recognition.

This 9th edition of ranking of the best scientists in the arena of Computer Science is based on data consolidated from various data sources including OpenAlex and CrossRef. The bibliometric data for estimating the citation-based metrics were gathered on December 21st, 2022. Position in the ranking is based on a scientist's D-index (Discipline H-index), which only includes papers and citation values for an examined discipline.

These ranking results form a meticulous examination of 166,880 scientists discovered from various bibliometric data sources. For the discipline of Computer Science, over 14,402 were examined.



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