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Students work on epileptic seizures wins “Best Poster by Accenture” on the E.Awards 2022

by IT on 16-08-2022
Veniam Spin-off Start-up Internet of Moving Things Mobility applications Nexar Network Applications

The work “Invisock” developed by DBE students Afonso Ferreira and Mariana Abreu, together with João Ribeiro and Fátima Rebollo, was distinguished with the “Best Poster by Accenture” within a total of 19 projects at E.Awards@Técnico 2022.

“Invisock” aims to develop a wearable sock that monitors epileptic seizures in a discreet way, minimizing self-consciousness and fear of social stigma, both felt by many people with epilepsy, limiting their acceptance of new monitoring solutions.

This project builds, upon multiple years of research, one ongoing MSc thesis, and one ongoing Ph.D. thesis supervised by DBE Professors Hugo Plácido da Silva and Ana Fred, with Helena Alves and Carla Bentes involving industry partnerships.

E.Awards is an innovation contest, organized by the Technology Transfer Area of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) with the support of Santander Universities, Accenture and Armilar Venture Partners, and which aims to promote and reward entrepreneurial and innovative projects carried out by students of the IST in curricular units.