The student Ricardo Pereira, conducting research in the Doctoral Program in Electrical Engineering at University of Aveiro, was the winner of the Student Paper Award at the Wireless Power Week conference in Bordeaux, France.
In this winning article “Quasioptical Dielectric Lens System for WPT Solutions”, the authors Ricardo A.M. Pereira and Nuno Borges Carvalho explore the design and use of a dielectric lens to create a focus of energy for wireless power transfer studies.
Lens antennas are used to increase beam efficiency and therefore maximize the efficiency of a wireless power-transfer system operating at microwave frequencies in the Ku band. Measurements of two manufactured prototypes showcase large directivity, as predicted with simulations.
In the current contest of wireless systems, the last frontier remains the cut of the power cord. In that sense, the interest in wireless energy transfer technologies in the past years has grown exponentially. However, there are still many challenges to be overcome to enable wireless energy transfer's full potential. One of the focuses on the development of such systems is the design of very-high-gain, highly efficient, antennas that can compensate for the propagation loss of radio signals over the air.
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