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FDRI software developed in IT achieves international recognition at the OSDFcon 2018

by IT on 12-11-2018
Alexandre Frazão (IT scholarship) and Patrício Domingues (IT/Intituto Politécnico de Leiria) achieved the 2nd place in the software Module Development Contest for the Autopsy software at the 2018 Open Source Digital Forensics Conferece (OSDFcon) with their FDRI - Forensic Detection and Recognition of faces in Images software module.

Autopsy is an open source software used for digital forensic examinations of digital equipment such as computers, smartphones and storage devices. FDRI is a module that automatically flags the photos that have human faces, saving digital forensic experts the burden of manually reviewing each photo (often thousands) within a case. FDRI can also recognize faces, pinpointing the photos where a given individual is present. The FDRI module continues to be developed within the IT funded project Automatic Detection of Faces for Digital Forensics (AD4FDF).

The OSDFcon's software module development contest is a yearly international competition, where competitors from all over the world can remotely submit their software contribution and present them at the OSDFcon conference. This year the event took place between 16-18 October in the Westin Washington Dulles Hotel in Herndon, VA, USA. This year´s competition saw the submission of 12 modules.

Photo: The IT research team could not be present at the event, but instead submitted a video to present their work. The video that can be found at our official YouTube channel: